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Hi there. I'm Berry.

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I’ve worked with CEOs of billion dollar corporations and with Fortune 500 companies.  I've worked with entrepreneurs, actors, artists, professional athletes, and creative and resourceful college students.

But my favorite and main clientele are small businesses and small business owners. 

These are the painful problems I solve.

Do you secretly sometimes resent your employees for doing half-assed work and then assuring you it’s the best work they can do? Do you feel like there’s no deep partnership between you and your people?

Have you stopped loving coming into work?

Do you feel nervous about the day…are you worried and anxious about making payroll?

Are you worried about how you are going to grow this year or how you are going to get more clients?

Do you feel scattered and feel like there’s a hundred important things that all need to get done ASAP?

Are you frustrated with your employees for not caring enough, not working hard enough, not really getting things done right the first time?

Do you hate sales… and wish you could just not think about sales anymore?

Do you hate firing people and keep them on for far longer than you secretly know you should ?

Do you hate hiring people because you never are fully sure if they are the right fit and you see how much focus and time it takes away from the business?

As a small business owner are you confused and unsure of what your job description really even is?

Do you find that it’s hard to unplug and stop worrying about work when you are with your family and friends?

Do you feel like there’s no end to work and do you feel like you’re always halfway involved with work even during family time or leisure or while hanging out with your kids or friends or watching the game?

Do you feel like you need more systems to help you and your company but you don’t know where to start and most of the things you’ve tried in the past have kind of fizzled out over time?

Do you have sleepless nights sometimes and wonder whether having your own company is even worth it?

Do you wish you had a foolproof method for on-boarding new employees so that they get the culture, they get the vibe and they launch right away into carrying their weight and more instead of taking months to get up to full speed?

Do you sometimes secretly wish you could just take a paycheck home and not have to worry about your company surviving and growing?

Do you wish there was some way you could keep to your calendar and schedule instead of routinely getting pulled off your game plan because of a fire or emergency?

Do you not really work with a proactive approach to your time and maybe don’t even use a calendar…instead coming into the office with a general sense of “let’s see what needs to get done today”?

Do you have to-do lists that are miles long?

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I hold up a mirror to my clients so they can see for themselves what was hidden from their view.

I coach the heck out of them.

I care and care and care and care. And then I care some more.

I’m not in this game for money (though I am a proud capitalist!) …I’m in this game to make a huge difference in real people’s lives. I give such a damn that I sometimes need to pull myself back and learn how to NOT care so much.

I don’t stop until they are highly effective in their productivity, with their people, and in their sales.

I don’t stop until they are loving the game that they are in.

I help them discover what IS the game that they are in…why are they doing what they’re doing.

I tell them the truth that other people won’t. I tell them what they need to hear…what they are dying to hear NOT what they want to hear.

My clients sometimes love me and sometimes hate me!

I help my clients love their job again and I help them love their off time.

I help my clients take back control of their days and I help them discover how to surrender control.

I help my clients discover the deep work that awaits them in forming powerful relationships with their employees and I help them discover which people are not keepers.

I help my clients find the right people the first time.

I help my clients grow their sales month after month and I help them offload sales as much as appropriate.

I help my clients notice that they are outsourcing too much of their job to others.

I help my clients notice they are too involved in the weeds and need to pull back and delegate more.

I help my clients get rid of the feeling of being overwhelmed and I help them notice where they are avoiding work that needs to be done.

I help my clients reduce their workload and I help biz owners take even more on their plate.

I help my clients have fun and I help my clients get dead serious.

I train my clients in the proprietary systems for productivity and sales I developed that have them get 50% more done daily and grow sales 30%.


For Organizations                                                                   For Individuals.